
Pre Con Prep Update

Starting January 31st of this year Silverwood Designs started back up production with the assistance of Silverwolf Illustrations. As of February 6 we are are up to 75 new inventory in WIP (Work in Progress) and climbing. We also will have at least 7 new images that we will be sporting at Geek Meet, on March 3, 2024! We have Four shows in March. Geek Meet is March 3, Awesome Con is March 8 – March 10, Indiana Comic Con is March 22 – March 24, Who’s yer Con March 29 – March 31 (Check out the events page for more shows). We will do our best to start updating our blog better but we can lose track of time building and finishing items. On an exciting note we were able to make it into the Maker’s Market at Gencon this year! That is a huge for us. We are both super excited for this!

Right now we are taking new product pictures so we can update the website and other fronts. If you are interested in our products we have now started selling on Amazon. It will not have everything there but it will have our more popular stuff, along with Etsy. If you want to see Everything we have and offer you can always go to our silverwoodwoodesigns.com Main shop. Of course you can always look at our events page and check out where we are going to be and say hi to us instead. We are excited to start the new Convention year! We are also working on new product ideas to introduce throughout this con season.

New Shop & Road Trip

Hi everyone. It’s been a while, I know. We’ve been terribly busy with lots of things, and we get to share with you part of what has been keeping us busy. For the longest time I was really unhappy with the shopping cart that we had on our website. Many of you have used it and purchased through it, but commented that was clunky and for our woodworking, it really did not showcase the options well.

Well, we’re exited to announce that our new shop has just been launched! Silverwood Wood Designs is our new storefront where you can browse our woodworking, games and books. Look around, check out some of the new wooden gaming accessories we’ve made, and leave us any feedback/reviews on items you’ve already purchased whether it be through the website, Amazon, Etsy or from us directly at one of the shows.

Tampa Bay Comic Con Banner

Tampa Bay Comic Con is coming up right around the corner, and we will be taking a little road trip to showcase all of our products in sunny Florida. We have a new deck book design we will be showing off at the Con as well as a few new images by our very own Kat at Silverwolf Illustrations.

In total we will have almost 200 wooden gaming accessories in 17 different species of wood on display at the show.

Any of our FL friends should hit us up while we’re there. I’d love to catch up with you. You know you who you are Rob.

Until next time. Thanks for checking out our new shop!

Indy Comic Con 2022 in the books

What a fantastic time we had at the Indiana Comic Con! My biggest regret was that it was on Easter Weekend and I was unable to spend that time with my family. I hope that Imaginarium will be a little more conscientious of this in the future.

Beyond that, had an awesome time. We met a lot of super people, and made some new friends. One of the funniest moments of the convention was when someone came up to our table and remarked about why there were so many dice towers around the con. We obviously didn’t think there were that many, but our response was that it was the item most requested the previous con.

Speaking of dice towers, we started out the show with 22 unique designs and ended with 7 towers. Dice trays and deck boxes were also a very popular item this show. All in all, I think we brought 104 items and returned with about 30. We were blown away by the response. Kat with Silverwolf Illustrations, is currently working on some new images and I have some new ideas for products that we will be working on for the next time around.

We also ran into some Silverwood Chronicles friends. It was wonderful to talk to many of you that had started the series and wanted to continue it. One of the challenges I have is trying to balance out the focus of our booth. I guess the bottom line is I am a creator and I love creating things. Books, games, accessories and the like. As such, I want to make available all of those things with our friends.

Right now, we have a pretty busy schedule this summer. Currently we have six shows coming up over the next 4 months and we have committed to going to Tampa Bay Comic Con in July. We’re always looking for smaller one day shows that we can squeeze in over a weekend, so if you know of one that is not currently on our events tab, please message or email me and I’ll look into it.

So, big thanks to all of the Imaginarium team, especially Lexie. It was a great show. Everything was very well run and it looked like everyone that was there had a great time! Looking forward to Tampa.

Branching Out

2021 has been an interesting year. We started out with the wonder if there would be many if any conventions to attend, and we finished the year with a total of six events under our belt. Not a record by any stretch, but still a good showing given the circumstances.

2022 looks to be trending more favorable as everyone is growing accustomed to what I guess we are going to call the “new normal”. This means more conventions and more opportunities to get out, see people and share my books and products with you.

Since we began this journey back in 2016, we have confined ourselves to our familiar territory of central Indiana where we are based. This coming year, 2022, we are going to start moving out into strategic areas. We are currently looking into some convention opportunities in the south-central part of Florida including none other than Tampa Bay Comic Con.

This event takes place the last weekend of July, just one week before our big show Gen Con in Indianapolis. We’ve put in an app, so we’ll wait and see.

We are also exploring some events on the East Coast near the Washington DC area. At this point, I have not applied for any events, but if you know of a good event that would fit our books and products, please let me know as I do not know the convention scene in that area like I do Indiana.

2021 also saw the launch our newest endeavor Silverwood Tableworks and Wood Designs. I’ve enjoyed working with wood ever since I was a pre-teen. I credit my grandfather and even my great grandfather, whom I never knew, with getting me into wood working. So this year, we launched a line of custom wooden gaming accessories and tables.

Currently these products can be purchased at shows, online via our own website or through our new Etsy store linked above. Right now, we make dice towers, dice trays, dice chests (coming soon), several styles of deck boxes, game storage cases, and we crown it all off with custom gaming tables/dinning tables.

As someone who spends their most of their professional time on a computer, having an outlet to work with my hands is a great life balancer.

Silverwood Tableworks and Wood Designs

Card Storage
Legacy Table with Spinout Trays
carcassone box interior
Basic Convertible Table
The Puzzler
Basic Table
Talisman dice-tower-zebra-nightfury Card Storage Box_dice-tray-speedsting-in-Padauk Legacy Table with Spinout Trays carcassone box interior Basic Convertible Table Speedsting The Puzzler Basic Table

The gaming tables have started to take off since Indy Comic Con. If you’re interested in checking one out in person, you can stop by our friends at the Spartan Gaming Lounge on the southside of Indianapolis.

I still have plans for books. I’ve got several that are in different stages of development right now including a science fiction novel, a mystery, a college anthology of works, and a non-fiction book about board game design. I am having a lot of fun with developing the wood working side of things right now, so the books are taking a lot longer to get done.

Gencon 2021, Day 4 Family Day

Well today is the last day of GenCon 2021. It’s family day so the ticket prices are reduced to $5. Come on downtown and enjoy some fun at the convention center. We have free dice and meeples for the little ones — while supplies last of course.

I’ll be honest, yesterday was a bit of a downer. While the exhibit hall was fuller, we saw less people at our booth. We really need a good showing to finish the Con strong. Otherwise, packing up is going to be a chore.

GenCon 2021, Day 3

We’re back for day 3 of GenCon 2021. So far this morning I am seeing lots of cosplayers. Saturday is the biggest day so we’re looking to meet a lot of new friends.

We are running short on softcover Book 5s so if you’re heart is set on a set, then get here soon. I don’t expect them to last the day. We do have some hard covers available as well.

GenCon 2021, Day 2

Good day everyone. Indiana Matt here and we’re kicking off Day 2. I don’t normally cosplay, and what I’m wearing might not even qualify, but I tried.

It’s hot enough with this jacket that it should.

I’m very excited about the new friends we made yesterday. The support blew me away. You could definitely tell a difference in the attendance from a quantity standpoint, but the overall attitude of everyone is great.

If you’re in the neighborhood stop in and say hi!

GenCon 2021, Day 1

GenCon 2021 is just an hour from kicking off. Lots of space but it looks like we’ll have a great crowd. Tickets are still available. Come down and see Kat and I at booth J in the Author’s Avenue until 6pm tonight.

GenCon 2021 / The Game Collector Launch

It’s been two years and change since the last GenCon hit Indianapolis’ Convention Center. This week, it returns with tempered celebration. By tempered, I mean that there will be fewer attendees, fewer vendors, and fewer hours to spend during the Four Greatest Days in Gaming.

Still, I’m excited to be there in Author’s Avenue again. Come see me and Kat at booth J. In 2019, we ran out of Book 1 by early Sunday Morning. We’ve stocked up, but it would be really exciting to see it happen again this year. So, tell all of your fantasy reading friends, to stop by and get an autographed copy of Guardians of the Silverwood.

For all of you gaming aficionados, today I launched The Game Collector app for Android devices on Google Play Store and soon Amazon Market Place. This app allows you to store you personal board game/card game (any game really) collection, and keep track of players and games played.

If you can’t make it to GenCon, we are currently planning on attending Indy Comic Con in October along with Snyder Gaming. Looking forward to seeing old and new friends alike.